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Nobel laureate Lars Peter Hansen, a leading expert at the forefront of economic thinking and asset-price modeling, will join Purdue University President Mung Chiang this month as keynote for the next edition of the university’s Presidential Lecture Series.


Hansen, the David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and Statistics at the University of Chicago, shared the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2013 with University of Chicago colleague Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller of Yale University. They were recognized for their groundbreaking research on the workings of financial markets, asset prices and behavioral economics.


Hansen’s Presidential Lecture appearance, titled “Uncertainty in Our Scientific Inputs Into Policy: Disguise It or Embrace It?” is at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, in the Purdue Memorial Union’s North Ballroom. The event is free and open to the public, but a general admission ticket will be required.


Release about the lecture.

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